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Droichead Cluster Meeting 1 Post Primary

Droichead Cluster Meeting 1 Post Primary

Sligo Education Centre are delighted to welcome back NQT’s for Face to Face Cluster Meetings 2024.2025.

Cluster Meeting 1 is a requirement of all NQTs participating in Droichead. This meeting provides NQTs with information relating to all aspects of the Droichead process from start to finish. NQTs are given the opportunity to discuss how best they can engage with their Professional Support Team (PST) in order to get support and guidance in addressing their professional learning needs. Key elements of teacher professionalism, the roles and responsibilities of the NQT and PST, observations, developing a Taisce and the completion of Form D are explored with facilitators and peers. Guidance on Preparation for Teaching and Learning is provided at Primary.

ster Meeting 1 – Term 2/ Cnuaschruinniú 1 - Téarma 2:

  • Cluster Meeting 1 (CM 1) events for Term 2 in this ESC are now advertised on our website.
  • In line with the Cluster Meeting calendar, please note that no further Cluster Meeting 1 events will be available, outside of these final dates, in Term 2 (January - April).
  • If you wish to attend CM 1 trí Ghaeilge, please complete this form here
  • Tá imeachtaí Cnuaschruinniú 1 (CC 1) do Téarma 2 fógraithe ar ár suíomh gréasáin anois.
  • De réir féilire Cnuaschruinnithe, tabhair faoi deara le do thoil nach mbeidh tuilleadh imeachtaí Cnuaschruinniú 1 ar fáil, taobh amuigh de na dátaí deiridh seo, i Téarma 2 (Eanáir - Aibreán).
  • Más mian leat freastal ar CM 1 trí Ghaeilge, comhlánaigh an fhoirm seo anseo le do thoil.

Cluster Meeting 2 – Term 2/Cnuaschruinniú 2 - Téarma 2:

  • Registration for specific Cluster Meeting 2 (CM 2) dates and times for Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) is now open.
  • Cluster Meeting 2 events will be facilitated online in line with the Droichead Cluster Meeting Calendar.
  • NQTs should select and book the CM 2 that they wish to attend via the Central Admin Hub.Please be assured that there will be adequate provision of cluster meetings to meet the demand in Term 2 and Term 3.
  • Tá clárúchán do dhátaí agus amanna le haghaidh Chnuaschruinniú 2 (CC 2) agus Cluster Meeting 2 (CM 2) ar leith do Mhúinteoirí Nuacháilithe (MNCanna) oscailte anois.  
  • Éascófar Cnuaschruinniú 2 ar líne de réir an Fhéilire do Chnuaschruinnithe.

Ba chóir do MNCanna an CC 2 ar mian leo freastal air a roghnú agus a chur in áirithe tríd an mol riaracháin lárnach. Féadfaidh tú a bheith cinnte go mbeidh soláthar leordhóthanach cnuaschruinnithe ann chun freastal ar an éileamh i dTéarma 2 agus Téarma 3.


To register here for Cluster Meeting 1 Post Primary

NQT’S must first have applied for Droichead via and have received a confirmation email from the Teaching Council.

NQT’s must then register with

All NQT’s must first register on above website before registering with Sligo Education Centre

NQTs will receive an email from their chosen ESC confirming their booking for CM 1. Any NQT who has not personally received a confirmation email from the course administrators is not eligible to attend.

If you have any issues in advance of attending the cluster meeting you
have registered for, please contact your chosen education support centre (for face-to-face CM 1)

Cluster Meetings 2 and 3 will be Online.

Support is available from a team of Professional Learning Leaders and Associates who work with the Droichead Induction Division. Details are available on the Droichead Induction section of the Oide website

Course Properties

Course date 10-04-2025 6:30 pm
End Date 10-04-2025 8:30 pm
Fee Free
Select Hours 1
Location Sligo Education Centre
